How to be good at Copywriting

I am not into copywriting but for some people this could be a useful skill to develop. The skills are particularly appropriate for bloggers who want to increase their traffic.
Brian Clark, on his blog called Copyblogger has written a post called Copywriting 101.

Copywriting skills are an essential element to the new conversational style of marketing. Whether you’re looking to sell something or to build traffic by earning links from others, you’ll need to tell compelling stories that grab attention and connect with people. This tutorial is designed to get you up and running with the basics of copywriting in ten easy lessons.

The ten lessons in this tutorial are worth reading, even if you are not into copywriting. Many of the skills are, I believe, transferable.


One Response to “How to be good at Copywriting”

  1. i have been into Copywriting lately and this stuff also requires some writing talent~.;