Archive for the 'Blogs' Category

Happy birthday to this blog

Trevor’s Writing is three years old today.

Three years, almost 800 articles about writing, reading and blogging and nearly a thousand comments has been a challenge. In the middle of that I’ve had some serious health issues and I’ve taken on full time study. I must be a little crazy. The journey has been exhilarating.

To celebrate I’d like to highlight a few features of my blog, especially for newer readers. Here are some links for further reading.

  • About me – some background about me as a writer.
  • My poetry – some samples of the many hundreds of poems I have written, some of which have been published.
  • Short fictionsome of my short fiction that I’ve published here for you to read.
  • Writing hints – just what it says – hints to help you with your writing.
  • Short story starters – stuck for an idea for a short story? Check out these very popular story starters.
  • Writing a Novel – links to the journal I am writing about writing a novel in 2009.
  • Archives – a complete list of every article ever to appear here on this blog – all 800 and counting.

There you have a veritable smorgasbord of reading to help you with your writing.

Good writing.

Happy Second Birthday to my Blog


I forgot.

This blog should have celebrated its second birthday last week. That just indicates I was too busy last week to remember. This blog has now been going for two years and one week.

Wow. Nearly 600 articles, poems and stories later it is still going strong. You can check all my earlier articles, poems and stories by going to the archives or checking out the various categories – see over on the sidebar – hours of interesting reading, as well as hints for writing and short story ideas.

This blog is getting more and more comments (“keep ’em comin’ folks”) and its readership continues to grow every month. As I’ve already stated recently, my blogging will, of necessity, need to take something of a back seat over the next two years as I complete my MA in Creative Writing. On the plus side, I’m getting heaps of writing ideas that I am just bursting to share here. I’m also heavily into some serious poetry writing in one of the units I am studying, so some of those will find their way here sometime too.

In the meantime….

Good writing.

PS: I’d love to receive dozens of “Happy Birthday” comments. 

Dozens and dozens of them!

A new group writing project – the BLOGAPALOOZA

Listen up everyone.

Christmas is over. The New Year has well and truly started (is it REALLY a week old already???).

Time to get on with another Group writing Project.

Robert over at Middle Zone Musings is launching the new year with a special group writing project called BLOGAPALOOZA. It promises to be a fantastic way of getting your writing going for the year of 2008 – by looking back at 2007. That’s the way Robert operates – by going backwards in order to go forwards.

Have a look here for all the details.

Note to self:

Get cracking and get your own entry finished. There’s only a week to go.

Good writing.

Life is just not smooth sailing

Life is not just smooth sailing.

The road of life can twist and turn and get a little bumpy at times.

Life is not easy – there are often hurdles in the way and mazes to negotiate.

Sometimes life jumps off the tracks and you head in the wrong direction.

And then at times life just sucks.

Have you got the point I am trying to make? The journey of life can throw up some interesting and challenging obstacles from time to time. These challenges can distract us seriously from our prime activity, whether that is writing or blogging or a combination. How to deal with it and still keep the momentum of your blog is the challenge.

Emergency posts

A very valuable strategy for bloggers is to write emergency posts. These are articles you have written but not yet published. They are not time sensitive articles so that they can be published at any time. If you have three or four of this type of post written, you can use them when the family dog takes ill, or Grandma dies, or you need a short rest or whatever the emergency is in your life. If you have such posts ready to publish you can relax and deal with that curve ball and later come back to blogging afresh when the trauma is over.

Writing ahead:

A variation on the emergency posts is to write articles ahead of when they will be published. I set the timestamp to the date and time I want the post to be published – set and forget (except I do keep a chart listing the dates they are to appear). I do this all the time but note that all three of my blogs are not time sensitive. When I know I will be away from the computer for a length of time – such as on holiday or travelling – I can relax knowing I have articles all lined up ready to appear on my blogs each day for the duration. This strategy is particularly useful when writing a series of articles on the same theme. When I get into the groove writing a series I can churn out five to ten articles in a day, sometimes more.


With Christmas and New Year just around the corner, using the methods outlined above can help you to really relax over the holiday period. You can take a break from blogging every day and give yourself a few days to recharge the batteries. You can then come back to writing and blogging with new enthusiasm in the New Year.

Further reading:

Birthday greetings

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will be aware that I actually write daily for three blogs. This is quite demanding and a daily challenge to keep the words flowing and to constantly come up with new ideas and topics.

The blog I started first is called Trevor’s Birding. It actually started on another domain with a different name, but that’s another story.

Happy birthday to Trevor’s Birding

Today marks the second birthday of Trevor’s Birding.

Go on over and have a look at it and leave a greeting.

Link: Trevor’s Birding

Australian Magpie

Australian Magpie