Writing Prompt #4: About my friend

Time for another writing prompt

Why not try writing about your best friend?

This could be a warm up exercise before getting on with your current writing project. It could also be the gem of and idea for a magazine article. It might also be used as a special letter to enclose with your card or gift when your friend next has a birthday. Whatever you choose to do. The main motivation is to practise your writing and to hone your skills.

Here are some suggestions for writing about your best friend.

  1. Fifteen reasons why ___________ is my best friend.
  2. My friend’s favourite foods.
  3. Thirteen things I like about _______.
  4. Eight activities I enjoy doing with my friend.
  5. Three habits of my friend that annoy me intensely.
  6. Four things I admire about my friend _______.
  7. How I first met my friend _______.
  8. Six bizarre facts about my friendship with ______.
  9. Eleven pieces of evidence that my friend is far crazier than I ever will be.
  10. Ten things my friend might say about me at my funeral.

Put your friend’s name in the blank spaces.

The numbers are rubbery; use whatever number you prefer because they are only suggestions.

Alternative activity:

Try the same suggestions, but with someone you cannot stand being with – or even someone you detest. (If you try this activity and write about your wife/husband/partner or significant other, do NOT leave your writing lying around – unless you want to make a less than subtle point or two, or have a death wish.)

Good writing.


2 Responses to “Writing Prompt #4: About my friend”

  1. I particularly like the alternate version—it would require some real creativity to figure out and write that much about someone you really don’t like, for most folks.

  2. Trevor says:

    You are absolutely correct Heather. It would be challenging in the extreme for some people.

    Perhaps it would also be the first step in developing a higher level of tolerance.

    Might it even lead someone to begin to tolerate the intolerable?