Writing prompt – Patience

A patient mule in the medina of Fes in Morocco

On our tour of Morocco several years ago I photographed this very patient mule standing just outside a shop in the busy medina of the city of Fes.

It just stood there patiently, ignoring the milling throng all around, oblivious to the movement, the noise and the general confusion.

Writing prompt:

  1. Write about a time you had to be very patient.
  2. Write about an occasion when someone had to be very patient with you.
  3. Write a list of the virtues of patience.
  4. Write a poem titled “Patience”.
  5. Write a short story starting with the words: “After three hours of patient waiting…”
  6. Write a short story finishing with the words “It had been a day that severely tested my patience.’

Good writing.

Writing prompt: the colour of spices

Colourful spices for sale in Fes, Morocco

In December 2011 my wife, daughter and I travelled extensively through magical Morocco. One of many interesting experiences was wandering through the medinas of the old parts of cities like Fes. The huge variety of things for sale was overwhelming, as were the sounds, aromas and the thronging crowds everywhere.

Such vibrant and exciting places. I wrote a great deal of poetry during our visit, along with an extensive daily journal.

Writing prompt: write about the foods you love, including the colours, aromas, textures and tastes. It could be in journal form, or poetry or even as a backdrop of a fictional piece, such as a short story.

Good writing.