How can my writing sparkle?

The web is about words. No matter how visual and audible it becomes, it continues to be about the words.Blogging is about writing. Many claim that content is king. If content is king, then the army that protects and defends the king is the written word. (Lorelle VanFossen)

It remains true that the web is certainly about words. Billions of the little critters. It is no longer a web but a very crowded maze.

  • If you want your words to stand out then they have to be good.
  • If you want your words to be good, then they must be readable.
  • If you want your words to be readable then you have to take care and make sure they are the best you can write.
  • If you want your words to be the best you can write you have put in the effort to make sure that they shine with a polish that is sparkling.

How do you make your words sparkle?

Over the last year or so I have been regularly posting articles about writing hints on this blog. In all there are now over 80 articles where I write about these writing hints (click here or go to the Contents or Categories on the sidebar). Reading these articles would be a good starting point. As you read through the hints, make a note or a list of those that you can put into practice over the coming days. As you work on these hints your writing should improve.

The quote at the top of this article was written by Lorelle VanFossen. In her article called Blogging is about writing Lorelle lists 30 ways of improving the writing on your blog. Many of these tips apply to general writing too. Many apply to novel and story writing, non-fiction, magazine articles and so on. The list she has written is worth printing out and sticking somewhere prominent where you can read through it often – and put the hints into practice.


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