Archive for the 'Journal Writing' Category

A Creative Journal

A Creative Journal is a blog about writing, especially journal writing. It include ideas for writing, hints, tips, inspiration and writing prompts.

Several recent articles have some interesting writing helps. In one such article called Doodle Journal the author suggests that writers could benefit greatly from “doodle writing” – similar in content to doodle drawing. The suggestion is to write in a stream-of-consciousness style as a writing exercise or a warm-up to one’s major writing project at the time. Sounds like fun and is never meant for publication, only ever for an audience of one.

Another article of intrest to me is called Journal Writing as a Learning Tool.

Teachers are constantly looking for ways to make learning easier for their students. One technique gaining more attention recently is journal writing.

I have to disagree with the author. Journal writing has been a part of good classroom practice here in Australia at least, for well over a decade. It is not a recent idea. I used the techniques to great effect in my own classroom just about every day for the last 15 years.

To access the site click here.

Related Articles:

Journal Writing and Books

As I said in my last post I have written in a journal for many years. Firstly handwritten in well-bound books, then on a computer file and more recently on my blogs (of which I have three – this one on writing, another on birding and a third on my travels).

I recently read an article about someone who doesn’t keep a journal in the traditional sense. She writes her journal entries in the books she reads!

One reason I stopped lending my books out was because when people borrowed them, they did not return them. I never saw them again. However, since I have become an avid reader, journal writer, and freelance writer, the most important reason of all why I do not lend my books out to others is because in the midst of reading them, they have become my personal journals.

She writes in her books – in the margins, on the top and bottom of the page, between paragraphs – wherever there is space to write. I’ve done a little of this over the years, and I often underline significant passages I want to find again. In longer passages I will run a pencil line down the side of the passage. I will also use asterisks liberally.

To read the whole article click here.

Journal Writing

I have been an avid journal writer for many years. I find the act of journalling to be very worthwhile and quite satisfying.

I journal for the following reasons:

  • To keep a record of events in my life. My memory is not too bad; it’s my forgettery that is the problem!
  • To clarify my thoughts on events, feelings, circumstances and decision making.
  • To leave a legacy of my thoughts to my children (who may or may not be interested in all of my rantings and ravings).
  • To make spiritual connections between events in my life and the eternal plan of things. Sometimes the entries take the form of poems or written prayers.
  • To practise and hone my writing skills.

This is not an extensive or even totally inclusive list. I’ll probably think of other reasons as the day goes by, but the above list is a starting point, and what came immediately to mind when I thought about it. In recent months, especially since I have started blogging consistently, I have made very few entries in my journal. Sometimes my blog postings have been cut and pasted into the journal file, especially my travel blog.

Forms My Journal Takes

I started off writing down my journal in lovely well-bound blank books. This format filled about seven volumes over the years. I then moved it exclusively to a computer file. (Note to self: print this file out before the computer crashes. Oh, don’t worry – I have backup copies). The major dilemma I face is this: do I type up all of the old hand written entries? It’s probably not worth the effort.

A Different Approach

In the next posting I will relate how someone else has a totally different approach to journal writing.