Archive for the 'Events' Category

City of Salisbury Writers’ Festival 2013

As far as writers’ festivals in Australia, South Australia has led the way for decades. Writers’ Week has been an important and much loved  feature of the Adelaide Festival of Arts every two years since the 1970s. The festival and its Writers’ Week is now an annual event from this year. It is held in March when the weather here is often perfect for outdoor events such as the Writers’ Week.

In the last few years several other smaller festivals for writers have emerged in different parts of the state. Salisbury Writers’ festival is probably the leading one, and the one with the longest history. It is sponsored heavily by the City of Salisbury in the northern parts of the greater Adelaide metropolitan area. I attended on one day several years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

There is an extensive programme of events and various competitions as well. Click on the website address to find out details.

Festival dates:  August 23rd to September 6th 2013

Website and programme details: Click here.

Further reading:

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of my readers.

I didn’t posted here on this site much last year. Sorry if this has disappointed my readers. It probably indicates that I have been rather busy; nothing new in that. As from this month and the new year my situation has changed considerably. I am hoping to post here on a much more regular basis in the coming twelve months – and beyond. I have some – I hope – exciting and interesting new projects in the formative stages of development, now that I have the time to devote to them, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, I wish all my readers a wonderful new year; I hope that 2013 brings you writing success.

Good writing.

Happy birthday to me

Flower in our garden

To all my regular readers I’m sorry there has been quite a delay since my last post here. I’ve been busy finishing off the academic year and getting snowed under a little with all the end of semester marking. Nearly there.

I ignored the assignments waiting for my attention today because it’s my birthday.

I had a relaxing day, didn’t pressure myself in any way, enjoyed the lovely spring sunshine and gentle breeze. The highlight of the day was chatting via Skype with my grandchildren in Sydney. Precious times. Nearly went out birding, but didn’t in the end. I did manage to get a few nice shots of some of the flowers in our garden. I find our native plants and flowers very inspirational for writing, especially poetry.

Flower in our garden

Join a writers’ group

Ever since I started my creative writing degree in 2008 I have been a part of two writers’ groups at the university where I studied. One was primarily a prose group. Each meeting the participants are given a writing challenge. The latest challenge was to finish a 1000 word short story with the last few words of a classic novel. The resulting stories were amazing in both the variety and the quality.

During the last four years I have also been a part of a poetry critiquing group. Over the last two years I have helped to organise this group. We also set writing challenges for the participants. It might be a set theme or a set form (eg sonnets) and sometimes both. The discussions are also very stimulating.

On Saturday just gone I joined yet another writers’ group. This group meets only a few times a year, usually in someone’s home. The group has a discussion on a set topic and then there is a sharing of current projects before breaking for a shared lunch – and more informal discussions. This group has a special focus, as it’s title implies: it is a Christian Professional Writers’ Association. All of the participants are either professional writers – or aspiring to be. Everyone in the group has a publishing record, and is striving to have more published. Our focus discussion this time followed on from the last meeting: “What is Christian fiction?”

I find that attendance at such meetings to be very stimulating, always generating new ideas, new writing avenues, networking (I found out about a potential opening at a publisher for my novel), encouragement and just plain good fun. If critiquing of one’s writing is also part of the activities, this is a bonus. Having others reading and commenting on your work is invaluable in the process of becoming a better writer – and more likely to get published.

I’d strongly encourage you to seek out a local group for writers and try it out.

Good writing.

Mothers Day

Today is Mothers Day here in Australia.

I’ve been thinking: on this Mothers Day, treasure your mother dearly – while she is still with you.

This day is always a bitter/sweet time for me because I have the sweet memories of my dear mother – along with the realisation that she passed from this life nearly 40 years ago.

Writing prompt:

Write about your mother and how much you appreciate her. If she is still alive, put your writing in a card and send it to her in appreciation. Attach a loving gift as well.