A sensible approach to blogging

I have written quite a few Haiku poems over the years. I’ve even published a few of them here on my blog. That reminds me – I must post a few more in the coming weeks – it’s been a while since the last one.

Today I read an interesting post written by Leo Babauta, a guest blogger this week on ProBlogger. His article is called Haiku Blogging. Leo makes some very interesting and helpful suggestions on using the principles of writing haiku poetry on one’s blogging. His is certainly a sensible approach to blogging.

If you are struggling to keep up with the demands of writing on your blog, then his post is a must-read article. If the blogging life is getting you down then read the post. Haiku poems distill the bare essentials of the subject and convey those essentials succinctly and precisely. Leo explains how to use these principles in writing your blog.


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