A good writing day

I’m having a good writing day.

1500 words so far – and the day is only half over!

The last few days (and weeks) have been frustrating. Health issues, appointments, responsibilities outside of my writing life and life in general have all conspired to limit the amount of progress I’ve made recently, especially with my work in progress, a novel for children.

Today I’ve managed to get a few things taken off my list. I’ve done some essential reading, replied to some urgent emails, responded to comments here and on my other blogs and written  long entry in my journal. All good progress.

The writing life is like that. Some days it feels like you can write forever, all the words flow easily and you feel on top of the world – well, your little bit of the world anyway. Then there are those awful days when the wings fall off, you come crashing down to another reality and it’s so hard to take off again. Sigh. Bit like life in general, actually.

I must get back to my novel now.

Good writing.


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