Archive for January, 2013

More of my writing

As from late last year I’ve taken on the role of webmaster of our church website. This means writing for three other sites in addition to this one. Sometimes I think I must be a little crazy, but this new one will be shared by several other writers. Any articles with the letters TH at the end were written by me.

For those of you who may be interested in reading some of my writings on spiritual matters, click here to read what I’ve written on the Murray Bridge Church of Christ site. Some of the articles will be current news items, while many others will be devotional thoughts on a range of topics.

You may also be interested in reading my other sites:

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of my readers.

I didn’t posted here on this site much last year. Sorry if this has disappointed my readers. It probably indicates that I have been rather busy; nothing new in that. As from this month and the new year my situation has changed considerably. I am hoping to post here on a much more regular basis in the coming twelve months – and beyond. I have some – I hope – exciting and interesting new projects in the formative stages of development, now that I have the time to devote to them, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, I wish all my readers a wonderful new year; I hope that 2013 brings you writing success.

Good writing.