Poem #14 Bird Chorus at Lake Hattah

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Bird Chorus at Lake Hattah

Australian Ravens
Mournfully winging their way
Across the parched land.

Noisy Miners
Shrieking their way
From tree to tree.

Galahs painting
Pink lines
Across an azure sky.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos
Raucously piercing the morning air
With alarm calls.

Dusky Woodswallows
Twittering their chorus
High above.

Regent Parrots
Streaking the sky
With arrows of gold.

Laughing their way
In a new dawn chorus.

Mallee Ringnecks
Clinking the treetops
With bell like calls overhead.

White Winged Choughs
Strutting on parade, squabbling
As they inspect each campsite.

Drowsy campers
Stirring in their sleeping bags.
No need for an alarm clock!

All rights reserved.

Copyright 2006 Trevor W. Hampel.

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Updated and edited November 2013

Noisy Miner

Noisy Miner