Writing prompt: Autumn

Autumn leaves in Bright, Victoria

On a recent caravanning holiday in the high country of Victoria, Australia, we visited the beautiful town of Bright.

The trees in the district were magnificent, showing numerous colours of autumn.

Writing prompt: write about the colours of autumn in your part of the world. Perhaps a poem describing the colours, or a short story where the leaves of autumn play a significant part of the plot.

Freshly baked bread

“I do not have to eat freshly baked bread to love it. The scent is nearly as delicious, nearly as much the satisfaction as the thick slice of bread slathered with butter and homemade apricot jam.”

Julia Cameron in The right to write.

One of my most enduring memories of freshly baked bread occurred during a holiday in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. My wife and I, accompanied by our daughter and her little dog, headed off to one of our favourite camping spots towing our caravan. After a long day of travelling we set up camp overlooking the magnificent southern edge of Wilpena Pound. We could look out of the window or sit in the sunshine next to our van and admire the full beauty of the range.

Because we didn’t know how often fresh bread was available in the small park shop, we decided to take our bread making machine with us. To wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread in the small confines of the van was like sleeping in a bakery. Then to top off the experience we had homemade apricot jam to enjoy with the fresh bread. I think we probably had homemade peach and pineapple jam as well. Heaven.

As I remember, there was a downside. On the first day I came down with a heavy cold. I survived – probably only because to the fresh bread baked every day.


  • Write about your encounters with fresh bread.
  • Write about baking homemade bread in your home when you were a child.
  • Write about special food you enjoyed on a holiday.
  • Write about a holiday spoiled by illness.

Back from a short holiday

Penguin Point, Marion Bay, South Australia

My wife and I have just arrived back from a short holiday on Yorke Peninsula here in South Australia. We stayed in a holiday unit in the coastal town of Edithburgh. Despite the weather being wild with gale force winds and heavy showers of rain, we managed to get out and about and have a good time. While I’ve done quite a deal of reading recently, I have not had the chance to do a great deal of writing.

On the positive side, the short break has recharged the batteries and I’ve taken lots of interesting photos, some of which I will be sharing on my other sites. You are welcome to have a look at what we saw here:

The recent reading I’ve been doing will result in some interesting reviews coming up soon in this site, and the magnificent and rugged scenery of the peninsula has inspired me to get back into writing some poetry.

Stay tuned.

Good writing.


Opinion: a ridiculous state of affairs

Some things really rile me. They get under my skin and irritate me like the itch of a hundred mosquito bites.

Today is a public holiday throughout South Australia for the running of the Adelaide Cup.

Ridiculous if you ask me.

The Adelaide Cup is, at best, a second rate horse race when compared to say the Melbourne Cup. It interests only a few thousand people and for that a whole state grinds to a halt. It just shows how morally bankrupt our state has become. It is a ridiculous excuse for a holiday in an era when our state should be doing everything possible to be productive.

But then – the same thing could be said of many of our public holidays.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and if you live here in SA,  enjoy your break.