Archive for the 'Poetry' Category

Wonderful words and beautiful photographs

Rose flower in my son’s garden

From time to time I’ve shared some of my photographs here on this site, often illustrating one of my poems.

Today I hope that your attention is grabbed by these lovely flowers photographed in my son’s garden in Sydney.

I don’t want to feature one of my poems; instead, I would like to draw your attention to a beautiful poetry site called Conversations with Nature.

One section features wonderful poetry illustrated by beautiful photographs. Click here to enjoy.

Rose flower in my son’s garden

Join a writers’ group

Ever since I started my creative writing degree in 2008 I have been a part of two writers’ groups at the university where I studied. One was primarily a prose group. Each meeting the participants are given a writing challenge. The latest challenge was to finish a 1000 word short story with the last few words of a classic novel. The resulting stories were amazing in both the variety and the quality.

During the last four years I have also been a part of a poetry critiquing group. Over the last two years I have helped to organise this group. We also set writing challenges for the participants. It might be a set theme or a set form (eg sonnets) and sometimes both. The discussions are also very stimulating.

On Saturday just gone I joined yet another writers’ group. This group meets only a few times a year, usually in someone’s home. The group has a discussion on a set topic and then there is a sharing of current projects before breaking for a shared lunch – and more informal discussions. This group has a special focus, as it’s title implies: it is a Christian Professional Writers’ Association. All of the participants are either professional writers – or aspiring to be. Everyone in the group has a publishing record, and is striving to have more published. Our focus discussion this time followed on from the last meeting: “What is Christian fiction?”

I find that attendance at such meetings to be very stimulating, always generating new ideas, new writing avenues, networking (I found out about a potential opening at a publisher for my novel), encouragement and just plain good fun. If critiquing of one’s writing is also part of the activities, this is a bonus. Having others reading and commenting on your work is invaluable in the process of becoming a better writer – and more likely to get published.

I’d strongly encourage you to seek out a local group for writers and try it out.

Good writing.

The birds of the air

New Holland Honeyeater in our garden

Followers of this site may also be aware that I also write regularly about birds on another site of mine – Trevor’s Birding. The site also includes many hundreds of photos of Australian birds taken in my garden and on my travels around Australia. More recently I have included photos and articles about birds seen on a recent holiday in Ethiopia. Over the coming months I will also feature birds seen in both Morocco and Spain. What I experienced with my family on that holiday is also featured on another of my sites, Trevor’s Travels.

The birds in our garden in rural South Australia are a constant delight to us and visitors to our home. There is a constant stream of birds going from tree to tree, flying overhead or feeding on flowering bushes. I frequently photograph them and also write articles about them. From time to time they also inspire me to write poems or even short stories featuring the birds I see.

Writing prompt: take out time to watch the birds in your garden, or a nearby park, beach or river bank. Write a poem about one of the birds you see. If you would like comments about your poem, post it in the comments section (maximum 40 lines).

New Holland Honeyeater in our garden

By the light of the moon

Full moon May 2012

A few days ago the moon was at its closest to the Earth for this year. It was also full moon. The media made something of the event – it must have been a slow news week. I also noticed that quite a few people took photos of the moon and posted them on the social media sites.

While this didn’t particularly interest me, I though I’d take the camera outside soon after the moon had risen, just to see if there was anything worth recording. I managed a few reasonable shots of the moon shining through the clouds and nearby trees.

Writing prompt: write a short story or a poem about the moon. You can post your poem in the comments section (keep it under 40 lines) and I’ll comment on your effort.

Full moon May 2012

Poem #45 Bearded dragon

Bearded dragon


My scaly friend
Sits motionless on
The sun-drenched rock
In our garden.

He is staring past me at
The cloud-streaked sky.

Why are you perched there?
Is there rain imminent?
Perhaps a brewing storm?

Or is it just
To admire
The view?

© Trevor W. Hampel

Bearded Dragon in our garden