Archive for the 'Just a Thought' Category

Just a thought – about you

Here is another quote about life from that great philosopher, Ashleigh Brilliant:

Isn’t it a nice co-incidence that you are I are both alive at the same time.

Indeed it is.

It is amazing too that you, my readers (yes both of you), are coming so faithfully day after day to read my words of wisdom, wit and wonderment.

Go ahead and improve my day – leave a comment.

Your comment can just be a simple “Hi” or “So pleased to hear you are still alive” or whatever. You don’t have to be terribly erudite – in fact, just keep it simple today. My head couldn’t stand anything complex.

My head thanks you from the bottom of my boots.

Just a thought – about writing, life and everything

“Isn’t it sad that so many people are never where they really want to be.” Ashleigh Brilliant.

Where do you want to be?

Where do I want to be?

This is An Interesting Thought.

For far too many people they really do not want to be where they are at present. I heard of a recent survey of people here in Australia that revealed that a huge percentage of people not only don’t like what they do, but that they actually hate their work. I can’t remember the percentage, but it was something like 80%. This has huge implications for managers and corporations.

Where do you want to be with your writing?

Are you happy with where you are heading with your writing? I would guess that most writers are happy just being a writer; the alternative is working in a job that shackles you to a desk or a bench or a counter in a shop. That can be a nightmare to put up with on a day by day basis. A daily job can be so exhausting that there is nothing left in the creative tanks when you get home at night. I should know; I tried teaching AND writing for 35 years. I didn’t work and it caused much frustration.

Where are you with your blogging?

The demands of blogging can also have some inbuilt frustrations. Many blogging gurus suggest at least one post every day, some promote the idea of doing more than that. Many bloggers get frustrated with lack of traffic and little income. They start off in a flurry of activity and soon realise they’ve run out of ideas. Blogging becomes just another job with poor returns for effort made.

The Secret of Success with Writing and Blogging

The secret of success in the writing life and in the blogging life is that there is no secret.

Sure, there are hints and tips and strategies and ideas that can help you along the way, but the only sure way to success in writing and blogging is the same as in most other pursuits – hard work, persistence and a never give up attitude.


Just a thought – about transmitting data

I’ve discovered a wonderful way to transmit data from mind to mind: it’s called talking. Ashleigh Brilliant

Ashleigh is only half right.

Data can also be transmitted by writing.

Just a thought – about words, ideas and pegs

“All words are pegs to hang ideas on.”~ Henry Ward Beecher


Words are the tools of trade for the writer. There are so many words and so many ways to combine them. Everyone can put a few words together; sometimes they even make sense. (Have you ever received those spam emails made up of words at random? Why do people bother?)

The skill in making sense with words is how you combine them, throwing them together until they make some kind of sense. That makes a sentence. A few sentences glued together make a paragraph. Several paragraphs strung together can make an article, or a story or a letter. Put together enough and you might make a book.


We all have ideas. When we take those ideas and write about them, others can understand what we are thinking. Those ideas can amuse, entertain, horrify, persuade, encourage, offend or inspire us. But ideas without words to hang them on are just that: ideas. They remain within us, unexpressed, untouched and unloved.

Ideas are everywhere, in the simple, common, everyday things of life. Hang those ideas on the pegs called words and everyone can see your ideas hanging out there in the sunshine.

That is why I am a writer.

Looking for Inspiration

Quote for today:

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”

Jack London.

There was a time some years ago when I was frustrated with the small amount of writing I was producing. The desire was there, the passion was there, the skills were basically there (though they needed some honing) and sometimes even the time was available.

But the writing never came. Some might call it writer’s block. Some might call it procrastination. Some might call it fear. Whatever it is called, it can be devastating and crippling. Some may even say ‘I lack the inspiration to write.’

Waiting to be inspired in order to write is living in a fantasy land. And only writers and other artists allow themselves to suffer in this way. Can you imagine lying on the operating table and the surgeon says, “I don’t feel inspired enough to operate today.” I think you’d quickly find another doctor.

I find that when I don’t feel like writing is just the time I should get down and write. Anything. It doesn’t matter if it is garbage. Get writing and then an amazing thing often happens. The very act of writing often brings the inspiration. The act of putting down words on a paper or a screen gets those creative juices flowing. What you write may not be award winning stuff, but at least you are writing. The the process of writing stimulates thoughts, ideas, concepts and then you are away.

And if Inspiration should bless you with a visit one day, enjoy her presence and draw every ounce of energy from her while she is there. And if she fails to visit, go after her, pursue her relentlessly by putting down word after word after word until she becomes so curious she has to visit.