Archive for the 'Articles' Category

Resources for writers

Adelaide crime writer Kirsty Brooks has written a very useful article on her blog about resources that are useful for writers. She has many useful suggestions to make and the article concludes with a very thorough list of useful books for writers.

Her list is broken into a series of categories, including:

  • general books for writers
  • resource books for crime writers
  • romance writing
  • getting published
  • editing
  • script writing

It is a long list with an emphasis on the Australian scene, but there are many titles applicable to writers wherever you live.


Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers (and Writers)

Darren Rowse of ProBlogger had a group writing project going recently. He challenged the readers of his regular newsletter on Blogging to submit their top habits of highly effective bloggers. The resulting posts show some common threads amongst his readers, but also an amazing variety of approaches and perspectives. If you are at all serious about blogging, to the point of committing to becoming a “ProBlogger” (professional blogger), then you need to read Darren’s article at the very least. There are now dozens of other bloggers who have contributed their lists and comments on effective blogging (read their articles here).

Daunting Challenge
I came to the challenge feeling that I did not have much to contribute. This blog about books, writing and the writer’s life has only been going for about three months. Despite that, it is generating pleasing traffic on a daily basis. In comparison, my other blogs, Trevor’s Birding and Trevor’s Travels are generating a wide readership with many hits every day – and growing rapidly.

Effective Blogging Habits
On that basis, and because my birding blog has been up and running now for about nine months, I decided to contribute. On reflection, the article I have written is applicable to many writing situations. I hope that the habits I have highlighted will help other writers in developing highly effective writing habits.

To read my article called “Some Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers” click here.

The Art of Puppeteering

I’ve done quite a bit of puppeteering over the years. I began by helping out our puppet troupe at church by being a puppeteer. I thoroughly let myself go and loved putting on different voices and really acting out the part. I ended up taking over the leadership of the group. This involved writing most of the scripts, directing and producing as well as being a puppeteer.

One of the joys of being in puppeteering is the laughter and happiness one hears in the audience response. The children have always been my target audience and their delight is obvious. The best laughter, however, often comes from the adults – those who let themselves be children at heart again.

An interesting article on the joys and art of puppeteering can be found here.

Your Life is a Metaphor


Inspiration comes to writers – and people in many other spheres of life – in many, varied and sometimes strange ways. For example, a few years ago I had a sudden insight during a sermon at church. Something that was said – I don’t remember what it was – gave me an idea for a children’s novel. Over the next few months I actually wrote that novel. It is now in the final stages of editing and will be soon ready to send off to a publisher.

New Inspiration

During today’s sermon, Daryll, our pastor, used a string of metaphors to introduce his topic. Immediately I was inspired to write a series pieces using metaphors. It’s only an idea at this stage. Not sure if these pieces of writing will be articles, stories (true or fictional), poems, devotionals, whatever.

Daryll found the list in chapter 5 of the Rick Warren book “The Purpose Driven Life.” (published by Zondervan).

Some Metaphors for Life

  • Life is a three-ring circus.
  • Life is a minefield.
  • Life is a roller coaster.
  • Life is a puzzle.
  • Life is a symphony.
  • Life is a journey.
  • Life is a dance.
  • Life is a carousel (sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, and sometimes you just go round and round).
  • Life is a game of cards (you have to play the hand you are dealt).
  • Life is a race.
  • Life is a marathon.
  • Life is a battle.

Of course, both the author and Daryll forgot to mention my alltime favourite from none other than that great philosopher, Forrest Gump:

  • (Insert southern drawl) “My Mama always said:’Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you are going to get.”

Actually – that last one is in fact a simile – not a metaphor. Oh well, never mind.

The point is this; inspiration for writing is all around us, in the commonplace, in those we meet everyday, in ordinary situations. We just have to open our eyes, our ears – all our senses – to the possibilities.

And that idea is far removed from the main thrust of Daryll’s sermon this morning.

Life is like a maze: just when you think you have found the way out, another interesting path opens up before you.

Another Useful Writer’s Newsletter

The Spirit Led Writer

I’ve subscribed to the Christian writers’ electronic newsletter The Spirit Led Writer for some time now and have found some very interesting and worthwhile articles contained in it. It is a monthly digest type magazine written by a wide range of authors who write for the Christian market.


Many of the articles are well thought out and easy to read. Others are quite inspirational, like the article in the current issue written by Susan Sundwall called Finding Inspiration: Heeding the Breath of God. In this article Susan explores what it means to be inspired by God in one’s writing and the types of markets that accept this genre. She ends the article by listing some markets that pay for inspirational writing.

This newsletter boasts a high standing in the writing community. It was named one of the 101 Best Web Sites for Writers in both 2003 and 2004 by Writers’ Digest Magazine.
To read other articles, or to subscribe click here.