Making mistakes

Writing is an inexact art.

We all make mistakes, errors of judgement and we sometimes follow the wrong path. We may spend too much time on one writing project and neglect a more important one. We may expend enormous amounts of energy on researching a topic when the information was readily available in some other form.

Writing Blogs

Writing blogs is no different, except that there seem to be many more variations on a theme than with writing for the print media. Blogging is a rapidly developing form of writing, and it is different in that the writer is also the publisher. The blogger has to also be the editor, promoter, sales department and fill host of other roles, not the least of which in site manager and resident techie. It can all get a little overwhelming.

Time commitment

Darren on ProBlogger has a link to an interesting article about a blog network owner who shares the mistakes made in running a blog. The first one listed is everyone’s bogey, it seems: Under-estimating the time commitment. Writing a novel takes months and even years; not many people under-estimate the commitment there. But everyone expects a successful blog takes only a few minutes every day or every few days, and it will be on everyone’s blogroll in a few weeks or a month or two.

To read the full article by Mac Slocum at The Independent Publisher click here.


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